Hello, 2024! I've been waiting for you like it's the weekend. 

The past five years have been full of ups, downs, life lessons, and a bunch of growth spurts. 2023 was like the MVP of life lessons, and it's tossed me into 2024 with a fire in my belly.

I’m super pumped for what's coming, but I'm taking it slow and enjoying the journey. No rush, just soaking up those small wins that'll get me where I want to be.

My card reading this morning for the month of January matched the energy already in my soul: "Ditch the big picture, focus on what makes you, well, “you." This month, I'm diving into what brings me joy and giving a nod to my soul – you know, the good stuff.

The first half of 2023 was exhausting. I always felt tired and like I was stuck in first gear. Then, bam! Midway through the year, I hit this energy jackpot. More passion, less tolerance for BS. I shed a bunch of baggage, and 2024 is all about peeling off more layers. I envision a whole new me by the end of this year – unrecognizable to the old version but a high-five to the me from way back when.

This year is my joy ride, the self-discovery adventure, the growth party, the experiment in living, and, of course, a big ol' trust fall into myself.

What are you inviting into your world this year? 

🪷 in light & with love