what I learned about self-care from being a yoga teacher

Yoga is a great tool for self-care and I thought that by becoming a yoga teacher I would automatically feel chill all the time and have less need for active self-care rituals.

Boy, was I wrong!

There are a lot of great things about being a yoga teacher, but it is also very challenging, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

The challenges of being a yoga teacher helped me realize what keeps me mentally healthy. When I started teaching full-time, I truly believed that the freedom in my schedule would keep me happy. But in the long run, I realized how much having a structured schedule keeps me mentally and physically healthy.

My physical yoga practice has suffered since I became a yoga teacher because I would prioritize picking up classes to teach over taking care of my own physical well-being.

Since I have returned to a full-time job, I feel much more balanced, physically, mentally and emotionally. I always know where I am supposed to be and I can prioritize my own physical and mental health and well-being.

There are pros and cons to every career choice. It’s important that you take chances and try new things, but it’s even more important to listen to your gut and know what would support you to be the best version of you.

I had always believed that self-care was active steps I took towards caring for my physical and mental well-being, like taking baths, eating well, and exercising. But I have learned through my role as a yoga teacher, that self-care also comes in the decision we make daily about our work and the environments we spend the most amount of time in.

Recently, my self-care has been saying no to extra work, making time for adventures and mini-vacations, reading and writing more, and doing more of what I love simply because I love it.

How do you practice self-care?

light & love
<3 ash